Sunday, December 12, 2010

Exploring Riau 2010

Salam. :)

On 19th till 24th of November, Mahallah As-Siddiq, in collaboration with Mahallah Asma' and Mahallah Safiyyah organized an educational visit to Riau, Indonesia. Many things happened, let the photos do talking, eh? :)

posted by : Mohamad Nor Fakhrullah

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Salam. As you can see this blog was unactive during the short semester since the person in charge was on hiatus. Despite the blog being unactive, the MRC As - Siddiq managed to organize few events for our residents. The details on what happened during the short semester will be posted on the next entry, insya-Allah. For the time being, we MRC of As - Siddiq would like to welcome new students to IIUM and the beginning of the new semester 2010/2011! May Allah SWT bless you in this wonderful year, insya-Allah. :)

posted by : Mohamad Nor Fakhrullah

Sunday, March 21, 2010


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

As we all know, our final exam period is going to start from 24th of March till 8th of April. The Principal, fellows and the MRC members of Mahallah As-Siddiq would like to wish all of you the best for the examinations. Do your best, then let Allah do the rest. :)

posted by : Mohamad Nor Fakhrullah

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Solat Hajat and Motivational Talk (18 March 2010)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

As the poster suggests, tonight we will be having a session of solat hajat and motivational talk which will be delivered by Bro. Osman Affan. So let's gather at our beloved musolla and seek His blessings for our upcoming exam! May Allah bestow upon us His grace and bounty. Amiin.

See you there! :)

posted by : Mohamad Nor Fakhrullah

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Congratulations, Mahallah As-Siddiq!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Alhamdulillah, Praise to Allah SWT for His Grace and Bounty to allow us Siddiqians to obtain the first place in Best Mahallah Award during the Quality Day on 9th of March 2010 which was held in CAC Hall. Who could imagine, Mahallah As-Siddiq, one of the oldest mahallah in IIUM to be able to receive such award. This clearly proves that it takes more than just brand new facilities or fame to be the best mahallah, rather, it requires hard work, patience, dedication and sincerity within the management and the residence of the particular mahallah itself.

Therefore, the Siddiqians are pleased to thank our Principal, Dr. Fuzi and the fellows for their never ending support, the MRC members for their deep devotion to raise Mahallah As-Siddiq to its current position and the rest of the individuals involved whether directly or indirectly to ensure the success of Mahallah As-Siddiq. Hopefully we can perform better next time in order to defend the title in the next following years, insya-Allah.

posted by : Mohamad Nor Fakhrullah

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ummatul Of Brotherhood

Ummatul Of Brotherhood
28 February 2010
- This progamme is for the expected graduate student, participant of University Sport Carnival
and participant of Inter-Mahallah Cultural And Debate Week of Mahallah As-Siddiq..
- Thank you for the Committee of Ummatul Of Brotherhood for their hard work and dedication.

Catering Committee

Thursday, December 17, 2009


University Sports Carnival 2009
Date : 17th to 23rd December 2009
Venue : Male & Female Sports Complex

Mini Closing for Track & Field
Date: 19th Dec 2009
Venue: Male Sports Complex
Time: 8.00 PM

Closing Ceremony
Date : 23rd December 2009
Venue : Male Sports Complex
Time : 8.00 PM

For any inquiry please contact your respective Mahallah Representative Council (MRC).